Royal Magic
reprodutor Royal Magic (Ansata Shaamis x Magic Mirage, por BJ Thee Mustafa)
acaba de obter o título de Campeão e a Medalha de Ouro no Germany Licensing
Show, organizado pela German Arab Horse Society para licenciar os reprodutores
que servem naquele país. Apresentado pelo Ismer Stud, o mais antigo criador em
atividade na Alemanha (e também dono do maior plantel), o garanhão pertence ao
Royal Magic Partners, do Brasil, que inclui também o Haras Clio.
The stallion Royal Magic (Ansata Shaamis x Magic Mirage by BJ Thee Mustafa) has just obtained the title of Champion and Gold Medal at the Germany Licensing Show, organized by the German Arab Horse Society to license stallions who serve there. Presented by Ismer Stud, the oldest breeder in activity in Germany (and also owns the largest group of Arabians), the stallion is owned by Royal Magic Partners, of Brazil, which also includes Haras Clio.
The stallion Royal Magic (Ansata Shaamis x Magic Mirage by BJ Thee Mustafa) has just obtained the title of Champion and Gold Medal at the Germany Licensing Show, organized by the German Arab Horse Society to license stallions who serve there. Presented by Ismer Stud, the oldest breeder in activity in Germany (and also owns the largest group of Arabians), the stallion is owned by Royal Magic Partners, of Brazil, which also includes Haras Clio.
Royal Magic (Foto Betty Finke)
Breeders’ Cup 2014
Sempre faço questão de parabenizar o ganhador
da Breeders’ Cup pois é uma exposição pela qual tenho um carinho especial.
Desta vez o vencedor foi Salim Mattar, do Haras Sahara, premiado através da
pontuação dos animais Sahara Saleemah (Vaalente x Summer Songs), Sahara Angel
(WH Justice x Annjolina) e Oman Sahara (Denali BHF x Summer Songs). A Premium
Cup ficou com Alma HVP (Marwan Al Shaqab x Foxbriar Shakita), do Haras Vila dos
foto abaixo a matriz Summer Songs (Magnum Psyche x Solina), mãe de dois
produtos do time do Haras Sahara.
Breeder Salim Mattar, of Haras Sahara, was the winner of 2014 Brazilian Breeders' Cup. Mattar competed for the title with the fillies Saleemah Sahara (Vaalente x Summer Songs) and Sahara Angel (WH Justice x Annjolina) and the colt Oman Sahara (Denali BHF x Summer Songs). The Premium Cup (highest score of the show) was Soul HVP (Marwan Al Shaqab x Foxbriar Shakita), of Haras Vila dos Pinheiros.
At the photo below the mare Summer Songs (Magnum Psyche x Solina), mother of two winning horses of Haras Sahara.
Breeder Salim Mattar, of Haras Sahara, was the winner of 2014 Brazilian Breeders' Cup. Mattar competed for the title with the fillies Saleemah Sahara (Vaalente x Summer Songs) and Sahara Angel (WH Justice x Annjolina) and the colt Oman Sahara (Denali BHF x Summer Songs). The Premium Cup (highest score of the show) was Soul HVP (Marwan Al Shaqab x Foxbriar Shakita), of Haras Vila dos Pinheiros.
At the photo below the mare Summer Songs (Magnum Psyche x Solina), mother of two winning horses of Haras Sahara.
uma pena que desta vez não tivemos a disputa da Stallion Cup (nome provisório)
durante a Breeders’ Cup. Fiz um esboço do regulamento, mas quando vi que não
havia um consenso sobre as regras da competição, achei por bem não tentar a sua
aprovação junto à ABCCA. Isso me lembrou a aprovação da própria Breeders’ Cup,
rejeitada na primeira apresentação, mas aprovada dois ou três anos depois, com
regulamento idêntico ao inicialmente proposto.
Maybe next year the farms will compete also for the Stallion Cup (provisional name) during the Breeders' Cup, as soon as the rules are approved.
Maybe next year the farms will compete also for the Stallion Cup (provisional name) during the Breeders' Cup, as soon as the rules are approved.
Personagens da história do Cavalo Árabe mundial:
Conde Federico Zichy-Thyssen apresentando RH Light Fanstasy (filha de Bey Shah
e mãe do multi-campeão ZT Shakfantasy). O juiz é Ignacy Jaworowski, que durante
décadas foi o diretor do Michalow Stud na Polônia, responsável, entre outras,
pela famosa Família E daquela criação, até hoje considerada uma das melhores
famílias femininas do mundo, senão a melhor (Emigrantka, Emadoria, Esklawa,
Emigracja, Elandra, El Dorada, etc).
essa foto na Exposição Nacional de 1986, no Parque da Água Funda, em São Paulo.
Famous people in the history of the Arabian horse: Count Federico Zichy-Thyssen presenting RH Light Fanstasy (Bey Shah daughter and mother of the multi champion ZT Shakfantasy). The judge is Ignacy Jaworowski, who for decades was the director of Michalow Stud in Poland, responsible, among others, for the famous E Family, considered today as one of the best female families in the world, if not the best (Emigrantka, Emadoria, Esklawa, Emigracja, Elandra, El Dorada, etc).
I made this photo during the 1986 Brazilian Nationals in São Paulo.
Famous people in the history of the Arabian horse: Count Federico Zichy-Thyssen presenting RH Light Fanstasy (Bey Shah daughter and mother of the multi champion ZT Shakfantasy). The judge is Ignacy Jaworowski, who for decades was the director of Michalow Stud in Poland, responsible, among others, for the famous E Family, considered today as one of the best female families in the world, if not the best (Emigrantka, Emadoria, Esklawa, Emigracja, Elandra, El Dorada, etc).
I made this photo during the 1986 Brazilian Nationals in São Paulo.
Vico no Salon du Cheval
disputado em dezembro, este ano o Campeonato Mundial do Cavalo Árabe será realizado
em novembro, de 28 a 30, e terá a atuação do brasileiro Vico Rocco entre os
juízes. O campeonato faz parte da programação do 43o. Salon du
Cheval de Paris e como dele somente podem participar animais vitoriosos em
outras exposições do ano, a programação é bem enxuta, mas a qualidade em pista
é a melhor possível. As categorias e campeonatos são disputados nos três dias,
das 10 da manhã até as 2:30 da tarde.
Usually held in December, this year's World Arabian Horse Championship will be on November 28th-30th and will have the Brazilian Vico Rocco among the judges. The event is part of the 43rd. Paris Salon du Cheval. Since there only can participate winners in other exhibitions of the year, the schedule is very lean, but the quality is the best possible. The categories and championships are scheduled for three days, from 10 am to 2:30 pm.
Usually held in December, this year's World Arabian Horse Championship will be on November 28th-30th and will have the Brazilian Vico Rocco among the judges. The event is part of the 43rd. Paris Salon du Cheval. Since there only can participate winners in other exhibitions of the year, the schedule is very lean, but the quality is the best possible. The categories and championships are scheduled for three days, from 10 am to 2:30 pm.
Este ano não irei ao Salon du Cheval pois já
havia aceitado o convite para julgar na Austrália o National Capital Horse
Show, em Canberra, na mesma data. Então resolvi assistir a All Nations Cup
nesse último final de semana de setembro, de 26 a 28/9. Este ano o painel de
juízes de Aachen será formado novamente por dez juízes (cinco sorteados a cada
categoria), como foi no ano passado quando julguei lá. Achei que esse formato
não havia sido aprovado mas será repetido, desta vez com a presença do juiz
brasileiro Eduardo Caio no corpo de jurados. No final de outubro teremos ainda
Murilo Kammer como um dos juízes do Campeonato Europeu, a ser disputado na
Bélgica. E assim vamos aumentando pouco a pouco a inclusão de nossos juízes nas
importantes exposições mundiais.
This year I will not go to the Salon du Cheval since had accepted the invitation to judge the National Capital Horse Show in Canberra, Australia, on the same date. So I decided to watch the All Nations Cup this last weekend of September 26th to 28th. This year's Aachen panel of judges will consist again of ten judges (six randomly selected for each category), as it was last year when I judged there. This time Brazilian judge Eduardo Caio will be part of the group. In late October we still have Murilo Kammer as one of the judges of the European Championships to be held in Belgium.
This year I will not go to the Salon du Cheval since had accepted the invitation to judge the National Capital Horse Show in Canberra, Australia, on the same date. So I decided to watch the All Nations Cup this last weekend of September 26th to 28th. This year's Aachen panel of judges will consist again of ten judges (six randomly selected for each category), as it was last year when I judged there. This time Brazilian judge Eduardo Caio will be part of the group. In late October we still have Murilo Kammer as one of the judges of the European Championships to be held in Belgium.
Sidney Muniz
Uma pequena homenagem a um criador que
manteve-se por muito tempo entre os principais da raça, Sidney Muniz, que nos
deixou na semana passada. Aqui com a esposa Vera e suas três filhas junto a
mais importante contribuição do Haras Paulista para a criação nacional, Yankee
Flowers FHP, recebendo a premiação numa Nacional.
A small tribute to a breeder who remained a long time among the leading ones, Sidney Muniz, who left us last week. Here with his wife Vera and their three daughters receiving a Brazilian National Championship trophy with Yankee Flowers FHP, handled by Fernando Antoniazzi.
A small tribute to a breeder who remained a long time among the leading ones, Sidney Muniz, who left us last week. Here with his wife Vera and their three daughters receiving a Brazilian National Championship trophy with Yankee Flowers FHP, handled by Fernando Antoniazzi.
é? – Resposta
cavalo do teste anterior é AF Don Giovani (Aladd x Wind Charm), criado pela
Fazenda Fortaleza em 1984. Deixou nada menos que 250 produtos registrados no
nosso Stud Book, entre eles as campeãs Dona Dorha, Apollonia HCF e Ynazia HCF
(mãe do reprodutor Van Gogh AS). Acertaram Sylvio Barbosa, Julio Parente,
Dagmar Gordiano, Diego Puente (Uruguai), Enrico Carlone, Lucas Mello, Eduardo
Caio, Fernando Curty, José Carlos Vaz Guimarães, Fabio Amorosino, Douglas
Gimenes, Marcelo Jubran, João Jayme de Mores e Wilson Nicolau.
Giovani pertenceu a dois condomínios e quando tirei essa foto ele ainda era de
propriedade do primeiro grupo, no haras de Silvinho Pratola, em Tapiratiba
The horse is AF Don Giovani (Aladd x Wind Charm), bred by Haras Fortaleza in 1984. He left 250 products registered in the Brazilian Stud Book, among them the champions Dona Dorha, Apollonia HCF and HCF Ynazia (mother of the stallion Van Gogh AS). Answered correctly Sylvio Barbosa, Julio Parente, Dagmar Gordian, Diego Puente (Uruguay), Enrico Carlone, Lucas Mello, Eduardo Caio, Fernando Curty, José Carlos Vaz Guimarães, Fabio Amorosino, Douglas Gimenes, Marcelo Jubran, Wilson Nicolau and João Jayme Moraes.
AF Don Giovani belonged by two syndicates during his life and I made this picture when he was still owned by the first group, at the stables of Silvinho Pratola, in Tapiratiba (SP).
The horse is AF Don Giovani (Aladd x Wind Charm), bred by Haras Fortaleza in 1984. He left 250 products registered in the Brazilian Stud Book, among them the champions Dona Dorha, Apollonia HCF and HCF Ynazia (mother of the stallion Van Gogh AS). Answered correctly Sylvio Barbosa, Julio Parente, Dagmar Gordian, Diego Puente (Uruguay), Enrico Carlone, Lucas Mello, Eduardo Caio, Fernando Curty, José Carlos Vaz Guimarães, Fabio Amorosino, Douglas Gimenes, Marcelo Jubran, Wilson Nicolau and João Jayme Moraes.
AF Don Giovani belonged by two syndicates during his life and I made this picture when he was still owned by the first group, at the stables of Silvinho Pratola, in Tapiratiba (SP).
a Jorge Selume, do Haras Santa Marta (Chile) pela aquisição da potra Miss
Bianca (Sirajj x Emmanuella K, por Ninjinsky K), de criação e propriedade de
Rinaldo Longuini.
Congratulations to Jorge Selume of Haras Santa Marta (Chile), new owner of the filly Miss Bianca (Sirajj x Emmanuella K by Ninjinsky K), bred and sold by Rinaldo Longuini.
Congratulations to Jorge Selume of Haras Santa Marta (Chile), new owner of the filly Miss Bianca (Sirajj x Emmanuella K by Ninjinsky K), bred and sold by Rinaldo Longuini.
Photoshop usado para o bem: Zetão Rodrigues e Bela Van Ryad em foto que fiz em
2007 no Haras Iguatemi, em Tatuí (SP).
When Photoshop is well used: Zetão Rodrigues and Bela Van Ryad in photo I took in 2007 at Haras Iguatemi, Tatuí (SP).
When Photoshop is well used: Zetão Rodrigues and Bela Van Ryad in photo I took in 2007 at Haras Iguatemi, Tatuí (SP).
verdadeiro festival de topetes vemos a criadora Erika Stolterfoth entregando o
prêmio de Campeã Égua em Itapetininga 2001 a La Rosa Padron HPS (Lyphard x SBF
April Rose), com Cesar Schmidt e ao apresentador Dejair Souza. La Rosa é avó de
HK Keav Power. Nessa mesma exposição o Campeã Potro foi Yllan El Jamaal, na
foto abaixo, apresentado por Rinaldo Longuini. O juiz foi Nelson Moreira, à
direita na foto abaixo, também com um topetinho...
In true festival of forelocks, breeder Erika Stolterfoth delivering the 2001 Itapetininga Show Champion Mare trophy of La Rosa Padron HPS (Lyphard x SBF April Rose) to Cesar Schmidt. The handler was Dejair Souza. La Rosa is the grandmother of the stallion HK Keav Power. At that same event Haras Clio showed the Champion Colt Yllan El Jamaal, pictured below, presented by Rinaldo Longuini. The judge was Nelson Moreira, pictured below right, also with a small forelock ...
In true festival of forelocks, breeder Erika Stolterfoth delivering the 2001 Itapetininga Show Champion Mare trophy of La Rosa Padron HPS (Lyphard x SBF April Rose) to Cesar Schmidt. The handler was Dejair Souza. La Rosa is the grandmother of the stallion HK Keav Power. At that same event Haras Clio showed the Champion Colt Yllan El Jamaal, pictured below, presented by Rinaldo Longuini. The judge was Nelson Moreira, pictured below right, also with a small forelock ...
Quem é?
encerrar, um teste que mostra uma animal que conquistou um título de
Reservado(a) Campeão(ã) numa exposição muito importante. Quem é?
To finish this newsletter a test that shows an animal that won a title of Reserve Champion on a very important exhibition. Who is he or she?
To finish this newsletter a test that shows an animal that won a title of Reserve Champion on a very important exhibition. Who is he or she?
Luiz Rocco - Haras Clio - São Paulo - Brasil
+55.11.98134-4141 -