I had the opportunity to photograph Zephyros KA, a son of QR Marc out of the Extreme daughter Zafia D'Elzenwalle. Imported from Belgium, he was bred by Knocke Arabians and is owned by Salim Mattar and Murilo Kammer. Zephyros is a typey young stallion with a very good attitude that should be of great value to Brazilian breeders.
Filha de Ariel El Yllan
These photos came from one of my favorite series, the descendants of animals bred by Haras Clio. In this case, a filly named Violetta Tresor, bred by Mimmo D'Onza in the province of Salerno, Italy. She is the daughter of Van Gogh AM out of Ariel El Yllan (Yllan El Jamaal x Afrodite K), which was sold from Haras Clio to Angelo Scipione, Italy with only 11 days of life. Photos by SiR.
Coberturas Enzo
aguardando para julho ou agosto a chegada da nova importação de sêmen congelado
do Campeão Nacional Americano Enzo (Padrons Psyche x RD Bey Shampagne). Quando
os criadores viram uma potra dele no Haras Meia Lua e as duas potras mostradas
na Nacional pelo Haras Paiquerê, as coberturas que haviam aqui se esgotaram na
hora. Novamente serão comercializadas entre 25 e 30 coberturas e já existem
reservas feitas para esse novo lote.
A new lot of frozen semen, around 25 to 30 breedings, from the US National Champion Enzo (Padrons Psyche x RD Bey Shampagne) is expected to arrive in Brazil soon.
A new lot of frozen semen, around 25 to 30 breedings, from the US National Champion Enzo (Padrons Psyche x RD Bey Shampagne) is expected to arrive in Brazil soon.
esta foto no Show Internacional de Wels (Áustria) em 2011, com Giacomo Capacci
recebendo o troféu pelo Campeonato Potro de Hariry Al Shaqab, exposto pelo Al
Shaqab Stud. Interessante compará-lo com sua outra foto na nota sobre Las Vegas
mais abaixo. Os acertadores foram Dagmar Gordiano, João Jayme de Moraes, Gaston
Labadie (Argentina) e Enrico Franchini Carlone.
I took this photo at the International Show in Wels (Austria) in 2011, with Giacomo Capacci receiving the Colt Championship Trophy with Hariry Al Shaqab, shown by Al Shaqab Stud. Interesting to compare it with other Hariry photo in the post about Las Vegas below. Dagmar Gordiano, João Jayme de Moraes, Gaston Labadie (Argentina) and Enrico Franchini Carlone answered correctly.
I took this photo at the International Show in Wels (Austria) in 2011, with Giacomo Capacci receiving the Colt Championship Trophy with Hariry Al Shaqab, shown by Al Shaqab Stud. Interesting to compare it with other Hariry photo in the post about Las Vegas below. Dagmar Gordiano, João Jayme de Moraes, Gaston Labadie (Argentina) and Enrico Franchini Carlone answered correctly.
Borsalino K
reprodutor Borsalino K (Encore Ali x Keepsake V) acaba de retornar de sua
temporada no Oriente Médio e encontra-se na Bélgica, aos cuidados do centro de
treinamento de Johanna Ullstrom. Aqui vemos duas fotos dele feitas por um dos
melhores fotógrafos de cavalos Árabes na minha opinião, o belga Glenn Jacobs,
que também é manager do Al Naif Stud do Qatar.
The stallion Borsalino K (Encore Ali x Keepsake V) has just returned from a season in the Middle East and is now in Belgium (Johanna Ullstrom training center). Here are two pictures of him made by one of the best photographers of Arabian horses in my opinion, the Belgian Glenn Jacobs, who is also manager of Al Naif Stud, Qatar.
The stallion Borsalino K (Encore Ali x Keepsake V) has just returned from a season in the Middle East and is now in Belgium (Johanna Ullstrom training center). Here are two pictures of him made by one of the best photographers of Arabian horses in my opinion, the Belgian Glenn Jacobs, who is also manager of Al Naif Stud, Qatar.
várias filhas de Don El Chall que eu gosto (e a lista é grande), destaca-se
Chammur, comprada recentemente pelo Athbah Stud, da Arábia Saudita. Foi
mostrada na Tulip Cup de Deurne (Holanda) no começo de maio e sagrou-se Campeã
Égua (Medalha de Ouro). Suas duas filhas do Haras Paiquerê (com Yllan e com
Ryad) produziram lindas potras com Enzo, com quem o Haras Clio deve cobrir no
segundo semestre sua outra filha Chamylla El Yllan.
Among several daughters of Don El Chall I like, one of my favorite is Chammur, recently bought by Athbah Stud, Saudi Arabia. She was shown at the Tulip Cup, in Deurne (Netherlands), in early May and was crowned Champion Mare (Gold Medal). Her two daughters at Haras Paiquerê (with Yllan El Jamaal and Ryad El Jamaal) produced beautiful fillies with Enzo, who Haras Clio should use to bred another Chammur daughter, Chamylla El Yllan.
Among several daughters of Don El Chall I like, one of my favorite is Chammur, recently bought by Athbah Stud, Saudi Arabia. She was shown at the Tulip Cup, in Deurne (Netherlands), in early May and was crowned Champion Mare (Gold Medal). Her two daughters at Haras Paiquerê (with Yllan El Jamaal and Ryad El Jamaal) produced beautiful fillies with Enzo, who Haras Clio should use to bred another Chammur daughter, Chamylla El Yllan.
Quem são?
Quem são esses dois animais? Só vale para quem
acertar os dois nomes.
Who are these two animals?
Who are these two animals?
FT Elite & Amigos
O Leilão FT Elite & Amigos proporcionou ao
Haras Clio a chance de adquirir a égua FT Palloma El Yllan (Yllan El Jamaal x
TS Penélope, por Don El Chall). Criada por Flávia Torres, é uma das quatro
irmãs inteiras que esse cruzamento produziu. A princípio deveremos cobrí-la com
Vettel (WH Justice x La Linda).
The Auction FT Elite & Friends provided Haras Clio the chance to acquire the mare FT Palloma El Yllan (Yllan El Jamaal x TS Penelope by Don El Chall). Bred by Flavia Torres, is one of the four full sisters from this cross. She will be bred by Vettel (WH Justice x La Linda).
The Auction FT Elite & Friends provided Haras Clio the chance to acquire the mare FT Palloma El Yllan (Yllan El Jamaal x TS Penelope by Don El Chall). Bred by Flavia Torres, is one of the four full sisters from this cross. She will be bred by Vettel (WH Justice x La Linda).
Las Vegas
Mocy (QR Marc x Wieza Marzen), Campeã Égua
oitava edição da Exposição de Las Vegas foi significativa para o Haras Clio
pois tivemos Vico Rocco atuando entre os juízes. Vico começou a julgar em 1989
e nesses 25 anos acumulou a experiência de mais de 40 shows julgados no Brasil
e no exterior (Argentina, Uruguai, Chile, Áustria, Estados Unidos e Bélgica).
nível em pista como sempre foi dos melhores, com competidores de várias partes
do mundo. Escolhi duas fotos de Javan para ilustrar essa nota, justamente com
os dois campeões adultos da mostra.
The eighth Las Vegas Arabian Show was significant for Haras Clio because Vico Rocco was one the judges. Vico began judging in 1989 and in those 25 years accumulated experience of more than 40 shows judged in Brazil and abroad (Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Austria, Belgium and the United States).
The level as always was the best, with competitors from around the world. I chose two photos of Javan to illustrate this note, two champions of the show, Wieza Mocy and Hariry Al Shaqab.
The eighth Las Vegas Arabian Show was significant for Haras Clio because Vico Rocco was one the judges. Vico began judging in 1989 and in those 25 years accumulated experience of more than 40 shows judged in Brazil and abroad (Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Austria, Belgium and the United States).
The level as always was the best, with competitors from around the world. I chose two photos of Javan to illustrate this note, two champions of the show, Wieza Mocy and Hariry Al Shaqab.
Al Shaqab (Marwan Al Shaqab x White Silkk), Campeão Cavalo
Bay El Bey
começamos a criar Árabes, Vico e eu fizemos várias viagens para conhecer o
maior número possível de cavalos considerados importantes. Numa dessas viagens
visitamos a famosa criadora Sheila Varian, em Arroyo Grande, Califórnia. Nesse
dia conhecemos Huckleberry Bey e seu pai Bay El Bey (Bay Abi x Naganka), na
foto, que também é o pai de Bey Shah, igualmente visitado nessa mesma viagem.
Hoje em dia, através da internet, pode-se obter muitas informações sobre
cavalos, mas nada substitui esse contato e as impressões que se tem
When we begin to bred Arabians, my brother Vico and I made several trips to visit the largest possible number of horses considered important. On one of these trips we visited the famous breeder Sheila Varian, in Arroyo Grande, California. That day we saw Huckleberry Bey and his father Bay El Bey (Bay Abi x Naganka), pictured here, who is also the father of Bey Shah, visited on the same trip. Today, through the internet, you can get lots of information about horses, but nothing replaces the contact and impressions obtained personally.
When we begin to bred Arabians, my brother Vico and I made several trips to visit the largest possible number of horses considered important. On one of these trips we visited the famous breeder Sheila Varian, in Arroyo Grande, California. That day we saw Huckleberry Bey and his father Bay El Bey (Bay Abi x Naganka), pictured here, who is also the father of Bey Shah, visited on the same trip. Today, through the internet, you can get lots of information about horses, but nothing replaces the contact and impressions obtained personally.
Ali Jamaal
Incomparável, Insubstituível,
Incomparable, Irreplaceable, Unforgettable
Incomparable, Irreplaceable, Unforgettable
Luiz Rocco - Haras Clio - São Paulo - Brasil
+55.11.98134-4141 - lrocco@uol.com.br